Catalonia, a province, a nation, and an incredible cuisine

When you think of a trip to Catalonia do you think of Pan con tomate (bread with tomato) and cava? Catalonia has much more to offer. For example, did you know that the classic peanuts originated in Catalonia?

The cuisine was described for the first time in the twelfth century in a book, Llibre de Sent Sové, as “characterized by an excellent combination of sea and mountains”. Meat, sausage, rice mixed with fish and crustaceans create plenty of tasty and interesting combinations (chicken and lobster?). They often use different sauces, alli’oli (garlic mayonnaise), picada (peanuts, garlic, spices), romesco (peanuts, garlic, tomatoes, peppers and bread) and samfaina (onions, peppers, tomatoes, garlic, zucchini).

Ok, so not so typical of Catalonia, but Valencia isn't that far away and we couldn't start an article about food in Spain without Paella!

Want to know some of the typical Catalan dishes? Here is a list:
Arroz Negro. This is a famous and original dish from the Costa Brava. Inside there should be rice, cuttlefish and other seafood, onion, garlic and tomatoes seasoned with olive oil and squid ink that gives it the black colour.

A typical pan of Arroz Negro - black rice

Amanida Catalan. Mixed salad with vegetables and smoked meat, fish or crustaceans.

Graellada de marisc. Varied assortment of grilled seafood served with allioli.

Suquet. Famous seafood prepared with saffron, wine, tomatoes and potatoes.

A picture of a typical Catalan dish of Suquet. This is making me hungry!

Fideau. This is a more Catalan version of Paella. Spaghetti accompanied by red peppers, chop or pork tenderloin and sausage.

Botifarra amb mongets. Traditional Catalan dish with black sausage, broiled with white beans.

Esqueixada. Tasty dish with a salad of salted cod, onions and peppers.

Esqueixada with a twist. This is a speciality from North West Catalonia, and would be best found in somewhere like Lleida.

Llagosta pollastre. Very typical of Catalonia and the least original combination of lobster with chicken in tomato sauce and hazelnuts.

Amb samfaina pullets. Roast chicken with samfaina (the sauce) and mixed vegetables.

Canelons a les Barcelonès. Baked cannelloni stuffed with chicken livers and pork, adored by the city of Barcelona.

Paella. Traditionally from Valencia, but also widely used in Barcelona and is usually made up of rice with seafood or meat.

A typical Paella Valanciana with prawns and other seafood as well as meat such as chicken and rabbit.

For dessert there are two favourites in particular:
Crema Catalana. Egg and covered with a layer of caramel.
Coca de Sant Joan. Cake covered with pine nuts and candied fruit, usually served on the night of St. John

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