Famous People Buried in Paris

Paris is the most romantic city in the world. You would have never thought of Paris as one of the cities where several rich and famous from across the world are buried. Several famous people throughout the years have been attracted to Paris and have expressed their wish to be buried in this beautiful City of Lights.

Jim Morrison's grave - Flickr image by Moppet65535 In Paris, the most visited burial site is of Jim Morrison. He was the guitar god of one time and all rock music lovers consider this to be a religious shrine, almost. Morrison actually died in a bathtub in Paris and his grave site is visited by thousands of his fans. Morrison's fans bring beer and cigarettes to leave at his grave.

Napoleon Bonaparte is a very popular person in world history.National art gallery - Napoleon Bonaparte - Flickr image by David Paul Ohmer It is quite surprising that a French Emperor should be buried in Paris.  Most of all Napoleon was known for his huge ego. However, his grave site has a huge tomb built inside. It is a historic site.

Frederic Chopin, a composer and musician, is also buried in this city. Most of his admirers bring flowers and bouquets to decorate his grave and to pay their homage.

Louis Braille is known for the world's greatest contribution through his uniquely designed Braille system. It eventually hBraille - Flickr image by Tiggtagelped the visually challenged to study and learn. Even his grave is engraved in the Braille system. Louis Braille was a carpenter and used to work with his fathers tools. He lost his eyes while working with the wooden tools. This incident prompted him to come up with something that visually challenged people could use.

Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur and several other historic famous people are buried in Paris.

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